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Quote of The Moment
"It's okay, we can work with this!"
- Deckard Wizard (Bee and Puppycat)


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    The Blue Sky Tag (And My Apparent Lack of Friends)
    Friday, November 3, 2017 | 2 comments
    Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I hope that today has treated you kindly. Please remember to take a break and rest up if you feel stressed from school or work. Take care of yourselves! Get enough sleep and remember to dream of the great things you'll be doing someday 😄

    I got tagged into a challenge by Indigo over at Spaceships, Vampires, and Very Secret Agents! This'll be my first too, so it's pretty exciting ❤️ I think the biggest issue I encountered while accomplishing this was thinking of people to tag, since I don't really have a lot of people in my blogging social circle LOLOLOLOL That mayyy be one rule I have to break, whoops sorry.

    That aside, I should really get on to it. Without further ado, I present to you dear readers, the Blue Sky Tag!

    1. Thank the person who tagged you (Thank you for the tag, Indigo 😊)
    2. Answer their 11 questions (I'm on it)
    3. Tag 11 people (I don't have that much friends though, I apologize lol)
    4. Give them 11 questions to answer

    And right below are the questions (and answers) for this Blue Sky Tag :D

    1. Do you like cooking?

    I don't cook meals all by myself, but I used to help out around the kitchen, chopping vegetables and doing little things like that. It's not something I do a lot anymore though, but it was fun and I enjoyed those minor jobs. In a sense, I guess I do enjoy cooking. (On another note, who doesn't enjoy the heavenly sound of sizzling cuisine on a hot pan? Like, that's one of the best sounds ever lolol)

    2. When's your birthday, and what would your ideal birthday be like?

    My birthday's on July 3, though I don't think much of it since my birthday usually lands on a weekday, and it'd just be like any other school day. But my ideal birthday would definitely involve a humongous bouncy castle and a frozen yogurt machine. And maybe lots of Broadway-themed karaoke 😆 I'll have my friends belt out the whole Hamilton soundtrack with me LOLOL

    3. Favourite colour?

    Black— it's the jack-of-all-trades of aesthetics! The color is extremely versatile, and it's very edgy lol. I also like how black is the resulting color when an object absorbs the whole light spectrum, so in some way I associated liking the color black to the fact that a little bit of every color is in black, so I wouldn't have to choose a specific color. Purple is also super cool, and lately I've been feeling an affinity for the hue ever since Fall Out Boy's Mania tour kicked off 💜

    4. Do you have any pets? (And if you do, can you include photos? Lol.)

    Yes, I do; a hedgehog, a dog, and four cats! We used to have chickens too, but sometimes the cats would hunt them and stash bones away on the pipes that drained rainwater from the roof (yeah, what even), so we had to do away with the chickens. I do miss our hen Trixie 😭

    That aside, I'm no photography expert so I couldn't get a picture of all my non-human family. But here are my favorite images of them (at least, of the ones I managed to capture on camera lol)

    My hedgehog Aravis, picture taken mid-bath

    A kitten called Chubby

    and his sassy mother, Kisses

    Scrappy the Dog stares off to a faraway land full of treats

    5. Got any hobbies?

    I'm a pretty generic teen; my hobbies are nothing special. I like reading anything I can get my hands on (classics, YA, and children's novels are all welcome!), and I also enjoy writing short pieces of fiction. I like watching cute shows and movies, most of which are animated (Bee and Puppycat, albeit short, is so aesthetic hhHHhH). I like listening to lots of music— jazz to rock to indie, (almost) all music is free to grace my auditory pathway!

    There are so many more things I enjoy doing (as everyone else does, surely), but I think the ones I just stated sum up my prominent hobbies pretty nicely.

    6. If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you go?

    That's a difficult question— there's just so many places I want to visit! But right now, I think I'll say Norway. I really wanna experience sitting on the porch of a cozy, fjord-side cabin and watching the beautiful polar lights with a mug of hot chocolate in hand ❤ Since I live in a tropical country, I always see pretty beaches and islands, but snow and fjords and ice are things I want to experience as well; it'd be great to bask in a different form of natural beauty!

    7. What's your favourite song?

    Aw man, it's almost impossible to choose! I may be able to single out my favorite song from a certain artist, but it's hard to name just one overall favorite 😓 Hmmm, well I have been getting Coffee's For Closers by Fall Out Boy stuck in my head quite often these days, so I'm considering that song my favorite as of now. My emotions have been getting out of whack lately (PMS? Lol I have no idea), and the "I will never believe in anything agaaAaaiiAiinn" lyric from the chorus is a drug for my soul ✨

    8. Do you wear braces (or have you ever worn them)?

    No, I never have. My teeth are relatively aligned except for a couple near the front, but it's barely noticeable and it hasn't caused me any discomfort or difficulty, so I decided to pass on the braces (besides, they're pretty expensive sigh).

    9. Are you using this tag as an excuse not to do something else you have to do? (Because that's totally not what I'm doing?!)

    Actually yeah lol. I really should be doing more important things like urgently sifting through my thousands (seven of them) of photos to free up much needed memory space on my iPad and doing some advance reading to prepare for my impending collegiate debut, but here I am.

    10. Are you on Instagram, and if your account is public, can you give me your username so I can stalk you? (If it's private I understand if you don't want to share it!)

    I remember making an IG account a couple months ago, but I'm not creative enough to recognize a potentially photographable scene— thus, I haven't touched my account in a while (whoops). But either way, my IG is deux_couverts. From French, it roughly translates to "two cutleries", and it's an old-timey way to reserve a table for two in a restaurant.

    There's a whole convoluted reason why I chose that name, but it'd take some time to explain (though if you're curious, I'll type it down in the comments or something lol). I'm also not sure whether it's set to public or private; nevertheless, feel free to stop by!

    11. Do you think eleven is a ridiculously large number of questions to answer? (Or come up with??)

    Yes, it is indeed a ridiculously large number. And an odd one as well; I would've preferred a nice, even number (like 10, maybe)! But oh well, neither you nor I have created the rules, and we are mere bloggers under the mercy of these amusing tags 😆

    And here are my questions:

    1. Do you play a sport?
    2. What are some things you find oddly satisfying?
    3. Would you rather travel back or forward in time?
    4. Do you have somewhere you'd consider your favorite place?
    5. Would you ever dye your hair, and if you so, what color would it be?
    6. How would your dream apartment/house look like?
    7. What movie/book/etc. world would you like to be a part of?
    8. If you could perform a song with your favorite musician/band, who would it be and what song would you sing?
    9. What's the latest time you've ever stayed up during the night?
    10. Have you ever learned a foreign language? If so, what is it?
    11. What's the wildest thing you want to do someday?

    Oh man, I really have no idea who to nominate though (are tag-backs allowed? welp) 😓 Hmm, when I view the stats for my blog's pageviews, it says that handfuls of people from places like the US or Spain or Germany or some other country have visited my blog. I would like to get to know you guys better, so please do accept this challenge! I nominate you, dear readers, to participate in this tag. Don't forget to leave a comment with a link to your post so that I could see :D Let's all be friends ❤
